Why would any business invest in future readiness?

Future readiness and scenario planning was an activity reserved for large corporations who had cast long forecasts on their business strategy. Some of the most successful businesses in the East have, for years, planned 50 years into the future and invested a significant amount of time reading future trends and interpreting them to see what they meant for their daily operational needs and future product development.

It may appear a recent phenomenon to speak of futurism and scenario planning however, it is needed more now than ever before. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us how all businesses need to think about the future world and what would be required to remain in business.

The work we do with Now! The Transition Journey brings this remarkable experience of future readiness to ordinary businesses. They hold vast knowledge and experience in planning future-forward cities as well as an immense understanding of how to use technology to not only create a disruption in the market but grow businesses exponentially.

So, what exactly does this all mean?

We have all seen that technology is the bedrock of the future. Which is essentially what the 4th industrial revolution is. It is about harnessing the power of technology to achieve more. In employing technology one enterprise can achieve more impact, produce more, extend its reach beyond human limitations. Further, it is in doing this that the disruption takes place. 

Disruption is a broad term and usually means creating positive instability (for the consumer) in an otherwise protected market. Now more than ever, we are seeing services and products that were once out of reach to the average consumer being available, and affordable. This is the biggest disruption that technology has created. Where a small business has found itself able to very quickly, and in large numbers, provide services to consumers that were previously only reached by larger corporations.

Through the various workshops, Now! The Transition Journey and RareRabbit Consulting conduct workshops to help businesses and teams determine how they can future-proof their business, perform transition management, deal with human capital concerns and protect their business models.  

Further, the workshops help teams chart a critical path that’s unique to their set of environmental factors, so they are equipped to use the technology and get the most impact.

How many times have you considered whether to use your budget to increase sales (through marketing) or employ new technology in your business? 

These, and many other, such instances are faced by many businesses, from traditional bakeries with a staff complement of 5 to more modern, complex entities seeking to take their operations to the next level.

To find out more about how we can help you and your team, contact us for a short introductory consultation.




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